
Mavenlink - 2018

The Operational System of Record for agencies and service organizations.

Our effort from the principal rebrand of 3 years prior had propelled our young company. We hit out growth targets each year, doubled our workforce, and secured a $39M Series D funding round from Goldman Sachs. With this growth came new challenges, new competitors, and new target market segment.

As we continued to move upmarket, the customer needs were evolving. The hairball of technology systems customers were stitching together was creating inefficiencies, incomplete data, and poor visibility. Customers couldn’t scale. Mavenlink was the answer.

This jolt in company trajectory necessitated a rebranding effort.

As Senior Design Manager, I led the creative team in developing a robust visual design system that reflected our sharpened positioning and refined voice. Working alongside the executive team, I managed a team of designers, art directors, animators, and marketers to create memorable campaigns that consistently achieved set goals.

Spoiler alert—3 years later growth targets were hit, our workforce had grown another 30%, and yet another market segment was opening for us to capture.


Our new positioning was unifying business systems to enable the insights and agility you need to grow and scale. We developed a visual identity system that centered around the themes of systems, data, intelligence, and transformation. Built around a distinctive icon and patterning system against a backdrop of overlapping and stitched color blocks, the visual identity was bold, striking and memorable.

My Role

Visual Brand Identity, Brand Guidelines, Iconography


John Reese – SVP Marketing, Aaron Pedroza – Creative Director, Javier Garcia, Warren Harper – Designers, Jennifer Dodos – VP Marketing Communications, John Shockey — Developer


We leveraged the visual identity system across all communications. It was an extraordinarily flexible and dynamic system with a great backbone of rules and assets to keep the designs fresh.

Each of the 5 product modules had a color motif and a specific set of icons and patterns to bring some context and meaning to each product area. When we were talking specifically to a product area we used a category color and icon set. When we were talking about the Mavenlink platform—the combination of the 5 modules—we used a blue color palette and any of the icons.

My Role

Campaign Strategy & Execution, Visual Design, Illustration


John Reese – SVP Marketing, Aaron Pedroza — Creative Director, Jennifer Dodos – VP Marketing Communications, Sara Kunz – Sr. Designer, Kavon Zamanian – Motion Designer,  Matt Draper – Copywriting, Hunter Pollard – Director of Demand Generation, Ryan Montano – Director Product Marketing


Working with Mavenlink’s leadership and an architectural and environmental design firm, we had the chance to design the Irvine office to create a space we always wanted. With 7 offices around the world, this office would serve as a template and styleguide for the rest.

We created a unique coffee bar for Maven’s to meet, work and relax—branded in the same spirit as Mavenlink—but with it’s own unique look and feel. With Zoom meetings on the rise, and many of our first introductions to our clients coming digitally, we built out many smaller private conference rooms—each uniquely branded so clients would have different experiences over time. We created a wallpaper pattern that we used at different scales in different rooms. It was constant reminder of all the interworking systems and data at play that Mavenlink enabled.

My Role

Environmental Design, Illustration


John Reese – SVP Marketing, Jennifer Dodos – Marketing Communications, Warren Harper — Designer, Eric Neuman – Design Director; Exhibitree

Our website was confident, eye catching and most importantly, aligned to the new positioning around unifying systems, confidence and control. We leveraged a number of interactive experiences across the site to tell immersive stories around our positioning, product, and services.

My Role

Visual Design, User Experience, Illustration, Design Operations



Sara Kunz, Zhenya Rynzhuk – Designers, John Reese – SVP Marketing, Jennifer Dodos – VP Marketing Communications, Toni Pace – Website Manager, Matt Draper, Brandon Getty – Copywriting, Ashley Riegg, Dominique McBee – Design Operations, Ade Farquhar, John Shockey – Developers, Hunter Pollard – Director of Demand Generation, Ryan Montano – Director Product Marketing

Product Tour Videos

Resource Management
Project Management
Team Collaboration

Mavenlink GO

The annual company conference is named Mavenlink GO. It is a multi-day event to kickoff the fiscal year and energize the company with client spotlights, keynote speakers, demos, and presentations from across the company.

We developed the GO logo and the arrow branding that would be used year to year as well as the annual event themes: Obsess Over Clients and The Power of One.

My Role
Branding, Event Design & Execution, Live Production
Kavon Zamanian – Motion Designer,  James Serazio – Event Manager, Jennifer Dodos – VP Marketing Communications, John Reese, SVP Marketing

Operational System of Record

Central to our messaging and positioning was the Operational System of Record. By unifying 5 disparate systems, organizations could establish a single source of truth to gain vivid insights and optimize processes across business ecosystems.

We created an immersive long form page experience that explored the modules and architecture of the OSR, and showcased its benefits to your organization.

My Role
Visual Design, User Experience, 3D Animation
Matt Draper – Copywriting, John Shockey – Developer, Toni Pace – Website Manager

Integrated Campaigns

The marketing team launched integrated campaigns every quarter. They would align to broader strategies that delivered the thought leadership the market was looking for as well as setting up the themes, questions, and solutions that our product ultimately delivered while reinforcing the Mavenlink point-of-view.

Each campaign was designed adjacent to the Mavenlink branding and had their own unique visual system. The branding and messaging were first designed as longform eBooks, microsites, and then leveraged across display advertising and other marketing touchpoints.

Integrated Campaigns

5 Steps to More Profitable Projects

My Role
Creative Direction, Visual Design, User Experience, Motion Graphics
Sara Kunz — Designer, Matt Draper – Copywriting, John Shockey – Developer, Toni Pace – Website Manager
Integrated Campaigns

Forecasting & Optimizing Capacity

My Role
Creative Direction, Visual Design, User Experience, Motion Graphics
Sara Kunz – Designer, Matt Draper – Copywriting, John Shockey – Developer, Toni Pace – Website Manager