
Mavenlink - 2015

Elevating the operational and financial performance for agencies and service organizations.

Mavenlink’s mission is “To unlock the potential within services organizations enabling teams to do their best work and elevate business performance.” By unifying a project delivery system with all other systems of record we enable complete organizational collaboration, to provide rich, un-siloed, contextual data so your business can make informed decisions, scale and succeed.

With Mavenlink I have had one of the most fulfilling journeys of my career. Previously, much of my experience was on a per project basis, as a consultant. My role and impact was complete as soon as the project was, and I would transition the creative and thinking over to design and marketing teams to be stewarded. I had a half dozen or so longer term client engagements, where I had a sustained influence over a brand, but never reached the extent of the impact I had with Mavenlink.

I joined Mavenlink early in it’s company history. They had initial private funding, a vision, and one pivot under their belt. I worked closely with the founders, sales, services and marketing teams, to design and develop strategy and experiences. As lead creative, I influenced the trajectory of a company in a way I had never had the chance to before. 


I joined the Mavenlink team just before their 2015 rebrand, considered to be one of the most pivotal moments in the company’s history. It was a defining effort that established the brand trajectory of the company for the next 3 years. I worked closely with the creative director to develop the brand direction into a fully-fledged visual identity.

The visual system is focused around people—thematic of intelligence, performance, and control. It was important to me to create a system of rules that were defined and purposeful, but broad enough to allow the brand to visually flex and evolve over time while remaining true to principals.

This rebrand visually separated us from our competitors in orders of magnitude. There was nothing else like it in our space and it was highly memorable. It gave Mavenlink momentum, focus, and was a propellant for marketing and sales.

My Role

Brand Identity, Visual Design, Design Operations


Aaron Pedroza – Creative Director, John Reese – SVP Marketing, Meghan Heffernan – Marketing Communications, Toni Pace – Website Manager, Ryan Montano – Product Marketing, Danielle Richards – Copywriting, Hunter Pollard – Demand Generation, Paulette Luftig, Anna McDonald, Dor Dan – Developers

Though I was involved in earlier iterations of our marketing site, I consider this launch in 2015 our defining effort. I leveraged the branding work and focused the visuals on confident, collaborating professionals and layers of rich data. The color shaped overlays served a proxy for the Mavenlink platform—a filter over your business, as the data visualizations illuminated contextual, just-in-time intelligence and provided you and your team insight and control to make the right business decisions.

My Role

Visual Design, User Experience, Design Operations



Aaron Pedroza – Creative Director, John Reese – SVP Marketing, Jennifer Dodos – VP Marketing Communications, Toni Pace – Website Manager, Matt Draper, Brandon Getty – Copywriting, Dominique McBee – Design Operations, Ade Farquhar, John Shockey – Developers, Hunter Pollard – Director of Demand Generation, Ryan Montano – Director Product Marketing


As Senior Visual Designer, I developed the majority of creative for marketing, sales and services initiatives. I managed 20 or so contract designers across all campaigns, collateral, experiences, and events during my role.

The system assured the visual signature would remain consistent across all these touchpoints and designers. However, the key to the success and longevity was the flexibility built into the system which allowed designers a large creative playground, enabling them to push the brand forward.

My Role

Creative Direction, Visual Design, Design Operations


Aaron Pedroza – Creative Director, John Reese – SVP Marketing, Meghan Heffernan – Marketing Communications, Carrie Robinson, Danielle Richards – Copywriting

Integrated Campaigns

Five Critical Project Metrics

My Role
Creative Direction, Visual Design, User Experience, Motion Graphics
Sara Kunz – Designer, Matt Draper – Copywriting, John Shockey – Developer, Toni Pace – Website Manager

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