
Linktree - 2022

The 2022 Creator Report

To help individuals and enterprises make sense of the rapidly expanding Creator Economy, Linktree releases an annual creator report. We use and analyze our own information, industry data, and survey results to make this happen.

For the 2022 Creator Report, we enlisted the help of 9,500 participants to ensure depth of data. This report highlights key industry trends and insights that impact the creator economy.

From PDF to Microsite

Initially, the project deliverable was briefed as a PDF. I pushed for a more shareable and sticky format that would interactive and digestable. The design of the microsite became the north star for the rest of the components in this campaign.

After the microsite was designed, it easily translated to a PDF format which we could distribute through CRM and other channels. There were two versions of the PDF: one for creators, and one geared towards media.

My Role

Creative Direction, Production, and Development


Tee Tran – Art Direction, Haeun Ro – DesignerBrian Cortright – Developer


To get people to the microsite, we used mainly social channels; Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.

Feed 1: Creator Types
We handpicked four creators to highlight based on their type of creator.

Feed 2: Infographic
We highlighted a few data points and what we learned based on them.

Story: Creator Type Quiz
We used characteristics from each creator type for people to connect with, hoping this would help them understand the report with that thinking.